Motivatie is wat ons aanspoort en drijft

In dit onderzoek bestudeerden we hoe motivatie ons gedrag aanstuurt zonder dat we dat altijd in de gaten hebben. We zijn namelijk geneigd om actie te ondernemen wanneer we belonende/positieve uitkomsten verwachten, terwijl we juist sterk geneigd zijn om ons in te houden wanneer we vervelende/negatieve uitkomsten verwachten en deze willen vermijden. Meestal helpen deze automatische neigingen ons met het maken van goede keuzes. Maar ons gedrag is niet volledig automatisch; we kunnen ook onze eerdere ervaringen gebruiken om van te leren. Zouden we dan ook verschillend leren van positieve en negatieve uitkomsten?


Roshan Cools, Eveline Crone, Jeroen Geurts, Olivier Hekster, Alicia Montoya, Eva van Rooij, Appy Sluijs en Guido van der Werf zijn de winnaars van Ammodo KNAW Awards in 2017.

Deze film is vertoond tijdens de Ammodo KNAW Award uitreiking op 29 maart 2017. Acht wetenschappers vertellen over hun onderzoek en wat nieuwsgierigheid voor hen betekent. Deze acht wetenschappers hebben een Ammodo KNAW Award ontvangen.

Zie ook:

Ammodo KNAW Award 2017 to Roshan Cools

Roshan Cools, Eveline Crone, Jeroen Geurts, Olivier Hekster, Alicia Montoya, Eva van Rooij, Appy Sluijs en Guido van der Werf zijn de winnaars van Ammodo KNAW Awards in 2017.
Dat hebben Ammodo en de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW) vandaag bekend gemaakt. De laureaten ontvangen ieder een geldbedrag van 300.000 euro. Dat geld kunnen ze de komende jaren gebruiken om nieuwe wegen te verkennen in fundamenteel wetenschappelijk onderzoek.

Nearly winning is more rewarding in gambling addicts

Pathological gamblers have a stronger brain reaction to so-called near-miss events: losing events that come very close to a win. Neuroscientists of the Donders Institute at Radboud University show this in fMRI scans of twenty-two pathological gamblers and just as many healthy controls. The scientific journal Neuropsychopharmacology published their results last week.

How can we reduce irrational and risky eating behaviors ?

This is the question that Esther Aarts aims to answer with her research. Focusing on individual differences, she opens the way to tailor-made interventions, like mindful eating, to prevent obesity and associated diseases. Follow Esther on her journey by watching the Youtube video below.

Why can patients with ADHD control their behavior in some but not all circumstances?

Patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be quite impulsive, restless and easily distracted. In short, they often have difficulty controlling their behavior. Diminished behavioural control can result in problems at work or in someone’s social life. Although patients with ADHD often find it hard to focus at work, some can spend hours playing computer games without facing distraction. In other words, patients with ADHD appear able to control their behavior much better when they are doing something enjoyable or rewarding rather than boring.

There’s no ‘I’ in team – but occasionally there is a ‘me’

Leaders and bosses are often seen as independent and self-assured in their decision making, but new research suggests they are more likely to rely on the experiences and ideas of others when making choices.

Jennifer Cook, Hanneke den Ouden, Cecilia Heyes and Roshan Cools examined the ‘social dominance paradox’ and concluded that dominant individuals are more likely to use social learning, (the experiences of others around them), in decision making than subordinate people, who tend to draw primarily on their own experiences.

To get a better grap of these findings, watch the entertaining and informing video below in which social and individual learning is revealed by people building rockets and fMRI scanning.

Breindoping: de kosten en baten


Hersenonderzoeker prof. Roshan Cools van het Radboudumc ontvangt een bedrag van anderhalf miljoen euro van onderzoekorganisatie NWO. Met deze Vici kan ze de komende vijf jaar onderzoek  doen en een eigen onderzoeksgroep opbouwen. De Vici-beurs is een van de grootste persoonsgebonden wetenschappelijke premies van Nederland.

New study points to differences in brain organization between macaque monkeys and humans

This week, our paper “Comparative diffusion tractography of cortico-striatal motor pathways reveals differences between humans and macaques” was published online ahead of print in the Journal of Neurophysiology.

This paper compared pathways connecting two cortical motor areas – the frontal eye fields, an area supporting eye movements, and the primary motor cortex, an area supporting limb movements – with the striatum, a structure in the center of the brain, between macaque monkeys and humans. These pathways are thought to be fundamental for the control over eye and limb movements, especially in complex environments and demanding tasks.