On the podcast OverdeKopPodcast Roshan discussed how routines are created and what they are important (in Dutch).
You can listen to the podcast on Spotify here.
New paper in eLife
Van den Bosch, R., Hezemans, F. H., Määttä, J. I., Hofmans, L., Papadopetraki, D., Verkes, R.-J., Marquand, A. F., Booij, J., & Cools, R. (2023). Evidence for absence of links between striatal dopamine synthesis capacity and working memory capacity, spontaneous eye-blink rate, and trait impulsivity. ELife, 12, e83161.
Klick here to read the full articel.
Ceyda Sayalı in Radboudumc Research Newsletter - Why put in the effort if there is nothing to learn?
Ceyda Sayalı posted in Radboudumc Research Newsletter: Why put in the effort if there is nothing to learn?
Guusje Collin in the program Het Klokhuis NPO Zapp (NPO 3)
On 08.12.2022 Guusje Collin appeared on the program Het Klokhuis on NPO Zapp (NPO 3).
The broadcast was about the 'Rust in je hoofd' (“Calmness in your head”), and it’s available on the following link:
NTR | Het Klokhuis - Uitzending - Rust in je hoofd
Vacancy - PhD candidate 'Laminar fMRI of Cognitive Dopamine Function'
New vacancy - PhD candidate 'Laminar fMRI of Cognitive Dopamine Function'
New paper in Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience
Geurts, D., van den Heuvel, T., Huys, Q., Verkes, R. J., & Cools, R. Amygdala response predicts clinical symptom reduction in patients with borderline personality disorder: A pilot fMRI study (2022).
Click here to read the full paper.
New paper in Nature Human Behaviour
Ligneul, R., Mainen, Z.F., Ly, V., & Cools, R. Stress-sensitive inference of task controllability. Nature Human Behaviour (2022).
Click here to read the full paper.
New paper in Progress in Brain Research
Cools, R., Tichelaar, J.G., Helmich, R.C.G., Bloem, B.R., Esselink, R.A.J., Smulders, K., & Timmer, M.H.M. (2022). Role of dopamine and clinical heterogeneity in cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson’s Disease. Progress in Brain Research.
Click here to read the full article.
New paper in Psychopharmacology
Hofmans, L., Westbrook, A. Van Den Bosch, R., Booij, J., Verkes, R.J., and Cools, R. (2021). Effects of average reward rate on vigour as a function of individual variation in striatal dopamine. Psychopharmacology. [link]
New paper in Neuropsychopharmacology
Cools, R. & Arnsten, A.F.T. (2021). Neuromodulation of prefrontal cortex cognitive function in primates: the powerful roles of monoamines and acetylcholine. Neuropsychopharmacology. [link]
Congratulations Dr. de Haas
On June 28, Dr. Naomi de Haas successfully defended her PhD thesis, entitled Mapping space, episodes and values in the hippocampus. You can read a summary of her work (in Dutch) on the blog here.
Amazing work, Naomi!
New paper in Scientific Reports
van Lieshout, L.L.F, de Lange, F.P.*, Cools, R.*(2021). Uncertainty increases curiosity, but decreases happiness. Scientific Reports. [link] [preprint].
Congratulations Dr. Lieke van Lieshout!
On June 9, Lieke van Lieshout successfully defended her thesis, entitled: Why So Curious? Congratulations Dr. Van Lieshout!
You can read more about Lieke’s work here on the blog.
Congratulations Dr. Lieke Hofmans!
On June 3, Lieke Hofmans successfully defended her PhD thesis, entitled Modulating Motivation and Cognitive Control. Well done, Dr. Hofmans!!
See the blog post to read a summary of her work (in Dutch).
Congratulations Dr. Sophie Brolsma!
On April 16, Sophie Brolsma successfully defended her PhD thesis, entitled Neural mechanisms of negative learning bias – a transdiagnostic approach to mental health. Congratulations Sophie!
For a summary of her work (in Dutch) see the blog post here.
Hofmans, L, van den Bosch, R, Määttä, J.I, Verkes, R-J, Aarts, E. & Cools, R. (2020).The cognitive effects of a promised bonus do not depend on dopamine synthesis capacity. Scientific Reports [link]
Hofmans, L, Papadopetraki, D, van den Bosch, R, Määttä, J.I, Froböse, M.I, Zandbelt, B.B, Westbrook. A, Verkes, R-J & Cools, R . (2020). Methylphenidate boosts choices of mental labor over leisure depending on striatal dopamine synthesis capacity. Neuropsychopharmacology.[link]
Brolsma, S. C.A, Vassena, E, Vrijsen, J.N, Sescousse, G, Collard, R.M, van Eijndhoven, P.F, Schene, A.H, Cools, R. (2020). Negative learning bias in depression revisited: Enhanced neural response to surprising reward across psychiatric disorders Negative learning bias in depression revisited. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. [link]