I am Marwan and I am a Ph.D. candidate in Roshan Cools’ Motivational and Cognitive Control, and Lennart Verhagen’s Cognitive Neuromodulation lab.

I completed my bachelor’s in Psychology and master’s degree in Cognitive Neuroscience at the Radboud University. There, I stimulated healthy human brains with ultrasound stimulation for my masters thesis: A stressful passion that got out of control and ended up in me getting a research assistantship followed by my current PhD position. Of course, this further sparked my interest in (cognitive) control, and my curiosity for how our sense of control shapes our behavior. Let alone how stress affects our sense of control.

For my Ph.D., I will use ultrasound as a neuromodulation tool to unravel which brain regions are crucial for this sense of control – and investigate whether we can use ultrasound to alter the effects that previous (un)controllable stressful experiences may have on our present sense of control and behavior.


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